TQ Online

TQ Online

TQ Online is a companion product to the print magazine. The same, trusted TQ information is provided in an easy-to-use online directory format.

Search for lens products according to name, manufacturer, or any number of parameter or modality specifications. View charts of lens solutions, compatible makeup, or the manufacturer directory, and access vertex distance and diopter conversion tools.

Information provided in our soft contact lens listings includes:

product name, manufacturer name, packaging quantity, wearing schedule, replacement schedule, material, water content, FDA material group number, production method, base curve, diameter, sphere power, cylinder power, axis availability, available additions and addition type, optical zone, center thickness, disinfection method, Dk value, colors available, toric markings, UV protection, and cost. *   

*Information in these categories is listed as provided and directed by the respective manufacturer, along with any other special notes or characteristics they include.

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